Our Community Can

Our Community Can aims to support people across Herefordshire and Worcestershire, particularly those living in rural communities, to be active and creative. We want to help communities provide more opportunities that bring people together to help reduce social isolation and loneliness.

We will look to develop and empower local communities to introduce sustainable activities. This will allow communities to develop their own, more flexible approach to engaging people in physical activity, which is more likely to result in long term behaviour change and an increased sense of wellbeing.

Identifying volunteers and those willing to take a lead on the project within their communities will assist in making the programme sustainable for the future, therefore seeing a continuation of further activity.

Each community will have their own individual needs so there won't be a one size fits all model but we want to offer opportunities to:

  • Understand community needs and motivations
  • Network with other people and organisations
  • Deliver taster events and/or sessions
  • Train volunteers and leaders
  • Access funding opportunities
  • Develop new and sustainable local active and creative opportunities

You can see the established Our Community Can sessions and activities taking place here!

Jazmin Chester

Jazmin Chester

Strategic Lead for Healthy and Active Communities

  • Coordinates the Our Community Can programme across Herefordshire and Worcestershire
07917 213953